briscaf1stox.co.uk took over six months to prepare before it's initial launch in December 2010, due mainly to the move from frontpage to php. Kevin Sharp has designed the pages and programmed the site to show the information. I have been entering the data into excel ready for upload, creating all the graphics and generally checking the information! I am sure there will be errors with data and pictures, so please inform me of any you find, as we strive to be 100% correct.
All of the pages are now html standard compliant and have been designed to work in Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 4 and Opera 11 (no other browsers have been tested but as the pages are standard compliant, they should work but we will not guarantee it). A minimum screen width of 1280 pixels is recommended, larger is preferred. If your screen width is less than 1280 you will be reminded on the home page - the site will still work but some of the pages will look squashed.
Most pieces of data on the site are now clickable, they either take you to a driver or track profile, fixture list, meeting result or provide additional statistical analysis of the data you are looking at. The data in the 'latest updates' or the 'on this day in history' boxes on the home page is also clickable.
In 2017 the site was abandoned and wasnt updated then finally closed down. However late 2018 a new domain name was created and the site was resurrected. Data was caught up during 2019, but nearing season start php updates has rendered alot of the site outdated and needs a revamp in programming to bring it back up to standard. This is what I am working on!

From entering over 4,000 lines of information detailing names, hometowns, numbers raced under during which years, and general comments, a driver profile has been built up. Added to this, a host of photos of them and their cars over the years fills the profile out making interesting viewing. These can be accessed from the main menu by either their number, their surname or the year they raced. This also includes foreign drivers who have raced in meetings.

Each profile has a sub-menu (where applicable), and from this you can access:
1) Their main profile which shows their racing number(s) and registered year(s), any relatives that have registered to race, their Championship wins (if applicable) and their number of race finishes.
2) Their picture gallery if we have pictures available.
3) Any Major Championship Finishes - position finished by year, by championship - (World, British, European, National Points & National Series)
4) Any Other Championship Finishes - position finished by year, by championship - (Grand National, UK Open, Trust Fund, BriSCA Supreme, Scottish, Grand Prix, Bumper Trophy & Under 25's)
5) Final Wins - Complete list of final wins, by date, by track and by year, with summarised data by track, year, month, day of week and number (if raced with more than one number).
6) Race Wins - Complete list of all race wins, by date, by track and by year, with summarised data by track, year, month, day of week and number (if raced with more than one number).
7) Podium Finishes - Complete list of all podium finishes, by date, by track and by year, also with summarised data by track, year, month, day of week and number (if raced with more than one number).
8) Race Finishes - Full list of finishing positions by race, by meeting and by year.

Finally, I have been sending out a questionnaire to drivers, who have been returning them with great answers!! These appear on a drivers profile as an "Interview". They can be accessed from the sub menu only if a driver or relative has sent them in to me (or by clicking on the logo from the drivers list). If you know a driver please forward the questions to them and get them sent in!!!!!

At present I have entered all the results (kindly supplied by Nigel Anderson) from 1958 to present day. Exceptions are Mechanics Races and Ladies Races. In total, I have entered over 25,000 lines into an excel spreadsheet. 1954 to 1957 have now be added also however our database will only accept one number per driver, and unfortunately this wasn’t always the case during these years. This information has then been accumulated into a Fixture List by year - showing the final winner at each meeting. From that you can view the full results by meeting by month.

I have tried to include every Championship raced for in this section, detailing as much information as I can obtain. However I am sadly lacking in alot of areas so if anyone has any information or pictures that could enhance this section, I would be most grateful. There are many links within this section so try and not get lost in the maze of Championships!

If a track appears on the Fixture List, then a track profile has been created. Unfortunately some will have no details, but for the majority you will be able to view pictures, and have some description about the track. You will also see a sub-menu of which you can view the Total Final Winners by driver and also the Final Winners by meeting by year, as well as the full results for that track by year.

Because the data is held in a database, it is possible to work out any number of statistics. A miscellaneous statistics page has been added (with 5 different stats.) to give you an idea of what can be found. More will be added to this page over the winter months but if you have a particular question or statistic that you are interested in, then we can add it to the site (assuming we have the data of course). The interesting thing is that these tables get updated automatically after each meeting's data has been added so they are always up to date.

I have tried to cover as much of Brisca F1 as I can, with my limited source of information. Extra information has been achieved from the generous supporters, drivers, and photographers of our sport. Thank you to each and every one of you. However! There is still a lot more that could be done, so if you have pictures or information gathering dust, then dust them down and send them in - It might be just what I am missing or need to start or complete a section. The more information there is, the more interesting the site will be.!!!

As information is added to the site it will be shown in the scroll bar on the home page.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the new site.