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Championship Related Statistics
Performance of participants in
World Championship Final races
Final and race winners
by World Champions
Chronological list
of World Champions
No. of years between first and
last World Championship wins
No. of consecutive years
of World Championship Final
No. of years between first
and last World Championship
Final appearances
No. of different pairings
of front row starters of
World Championship Finals
Final and race wins
by National Points Champions
Final and race wins
by National Series/Shootout
Final and race wins by
holders of the Gold and Silver
roofs at the same time
Final Winning Related Statistics
All final winners
No. of consecutive
years of final wins
No. of years between
first and last final wins
Chronological list of final winners
Driver's final winning percentage
Drivers who have won
finals in different decades
Drivers who have won three
or more races at a meeting
(inc. final and grand national)
Drivers who have won
the consolation and final
races at the same meeting
Drivers who have won finals
with more than one racing number
Driver 'numbers'
that have won finals
No. of different
final winners per year
Drivers finishing 2nd behind
the top three final winning drivers
Race Winning Related Statistics
All race winners
Drivers who have won
races in different decades
Drivers who have won races
with more than one racing number
Driver 'numbers'
that have won races
No. of different
race winners per year
Drivers finishing 2nd behind
the top three race winning drivers
Miscellaneous Statistics
Drivers with 50 or more
final race finishes and / or drivers
with 250 or more race finishes
No. of years a
driver has held a licence
Drivers finishing on the
podium without winning a race
Top 50 meetings by
number of cars in attendance
Various track statistics
No. of meetings on
each day, regardless of year
Most popular surnames
and most popular towns
(top 30)