Charlie, father to Bert & Chas, and Grandfather to Craig & Stuart, started off the Finnikin role in Brisca F1 history.
Started racing in 1956, and was nicknamed "Money Bags" by fellow drivers.
Charlie was a star grade driver, but just as Bert was to start his own racing career in 1973, Charlie suffered a fatal heart attack.
Bert went onto achieve great distinction in Brisca F1's thanks to his father Charlie.
The Memorial trophy originally went to the winner at the designated meeting, changed in 1988 to the "Novice of the Year" race winner,
then later it became a trophy for the highest White or Yellow at the designated meeting until 2003, whereby the trophy fell by the wayside.
WEBMASTERS NOTE : The trophy has since been found and returned to Bert in 2012.
2023 saw the 50th Anniversary of the Finnikin family racing with Bert, Craig & Lilly along with Chas, Stuart & Courtney in attendance.